Thursday, April 3, 2008

How Does Tourmaline Work?

"When tourmaline crystals warm, as they can when they are rubbed onto the skin, they have the unique feature of becoming positively charged at one end, and negatively charged on the other. It is this feature that makes tourmaline so effective at increasing the absorption of nutrients into the skin, so that the skin can be healed and protected as a result. Because tourmaline is an energizing crystal as well, it can contribute to the vitality of the skin, making it appear more radiant and youthful. When combined with other ingredients, tourmaline can become an effective moisturizer, exfoliate, and anti-aging formula. Many who have tried this popular new ingredient in their own skin care routines have fallen in love with the many beneficial properties of tourmaline skin care.

If you are interested in trying out tourmaline skin care products for yourself, visit your beauty supply center or make an appointment at your local spa. Tourmaline can be found in many types of cleansers, moisturizers, serums and eye creams. You can find this ingredient in products that are suitable for just about any skin type. You may find that tourmaline is the perfect new product for your skin as well." - Tourmaline in Skin Care


Pictures provided by a consumer of tourmaline soap.

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